Black Dog Brew Co.
Black Dog is a small 600 litre brewery situated on Blair St, Wellington. The Blair St site is the “Innovation Hub” for the brand – all Black Dog beers are originally brewed and developed here. These beers are sold in keg only to the Wellington market. When they are happy with the recipes, they work closely with larger breweries to contract brew and bottle their beers. This means they can offer their beers all around the country, stop brewing those beers at the Blair St site and concentrate on the next round of beers. As they are a small brewery and like the collaborative aspect of having a variety of talent on board, all of their brewers are employed on a part time basis apart from the Brewery Manager (Adrian Klemp) who is a full time employee and has the job of keeping everyone “sailing in the same direction”, working out the brew schedule, handling sales, marketing and basically doing everything else to keep the brand growing.
They needed some updated imagery so we popped in and worked out magic.