Are you graduating soon and want to take the opportunity to get some photos of you dressed like a wizard out of Hogwarts with your family? Let us know what time suits you best on your graduation day. Grab a couple of yourself look very suave in your cloak, and a few of your family – what ever you need Brady Dyer has you covered. You will receive 20-30 minutes for photos, you will then… Read more »
Tag: Wellington
CategoriesWellington On a Plate is back for 2016

If you like food, like me, then you’ll probably already know that Visa Wellington On a Plate is just around the corner! Two weeks of culinary creations from 12-28 August 2016. I’ve hunted through the Programme Guide. and found the best of the best – these are just my thoughts and suggestions. I’d check out the full program yourself – there’s something in there for everyone!
Check out my Burger… Read more »
Brady’s Wellington On A Plate Burger Picks!

After scouring through the Wellington On A Plate Burger Guide, I’ve narrowed down the 116 contenders to this shortlist of 22. My mission will be to try them all over the two weeks of WOAP! At an average price of $22, I’m going to need over $1000 to try these all (assuming I let my wife join in the fun too!). Maybe I should start a kickstarter, or get Visa to sponsor it? Either way… Read more »
Brady’s Picks For Wellington On A Plate (WOAP) 2016

Having read through the Programme Guide for 2016, I started compiling a list of the Wellington On A Plate events I wanted to check out this year! I then thought, HEY – why don’t I share this with you. So here you go.
St Johns’ Supper Tub
This has ME written all over it! What could be more decadent than chilling in a steaming hot tub with your mates? How about doing it with… Read more »
Verizon TV Commercial Filmed in Wellington
In early June the American telecommunications company Verizon filmed their latest TV commercial “Spark” in Wellington. Several central city streets were closed for for the early-June filming, including Willis St, Lambton Quay, Abel Smith St and Ghuznee St. The commercial was directed by Garth Davis, who also directed two large-scale advertisements, Shadow Puppets and Fish, in Wellington for the company US Cellular. I was involved as one of the extras running through the streets of… Read more »