Your wedding is one of the most exciting and special days of your life. I understand just how important making the perfect set of wedding photos is. You’ve shared your engagement with your friends and family, the Instagram likes are rolling in, and it’s time to start planning the wedding. This is something you never want to forget and it’s my job to make sure your photos capture those memories beautifully. After months of exciting… Read more »
Categories17 Award-Winning Wedding Photos From 2017 That’ll Leave You Speechless

Every year, the International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers rounds up the most breathtaking wedding pictures its seen over the past 12 months.
ISPWP holds four photo competitions over the course of each year and chooses winners for 20 different categories each time, from “Wedding Details” to “Humour,” resulting in 80 first-place winners. The society just released the full list of first-place winners from 2017, and they’re completely gorgeous. Some… Read more »
This Couple Had Their Puppy As The Ring Bearer At Their Wedding, And It’s The Cutest Thing Ever

Ladies and gentlemen, this is absolutely the best addition to any wedding.
This is Sheree Atcheson and Sean McCrory, a UK-based couple, who recently tied the knot last month.
Sheree Atcheson
The day was magical, and full of joy for the entire family.
Kat Mervyn Photography / Instagram: @katshootsweddings
And the most excited of their entire fam was their little… Read more »
30 Emotions Every Photographer Can Relate To Told By GIF’s

Fellow photographer Elena Ringeisen put together this hilarious bunch of gif’s I just had to share it! 1. When you can wear whatever you want because you work from home. 2. When you’re trying to decide what lens to get next. 3. When you’ve picked up your second shooter and are on the way to shoot a wedding. 4. When you see wedding food. 5. When you’re taking… Read more »
Wellington’s Most Scenic Locations

Brady Dyer is a photographer who is fascinated with people. In addition to his commercial and corporate work, his favourite subjects are weddings, as they give him the opportunity to capture the emotions and interactions between people celebrating their special day. Hailing from Wellington, he lives in an ideal place to capture a wide variety of weddings, as this vibrant area is one of New Zealand’s most popular wedding destinations.
There are no… Read more »
This Guy Got Bitten By A Rattlesnake During His Wedding Photos

Meet newlyweds Johnny and Laura Benson. So happy, so in love, so blissfully unaware that the worst wedding crasher ever is about to strike during the wedding photos.
Maddie Mae / Via
The Bensons were taking post-ceremony photos at the Horsetooth Reservoir in Fort Collins, Colorado, on June 20, when a RATTLESNAKE decided to have a little snack.
Maddie Mae / Via
“All of… Read more »
How do you pee in a wedding dress?
I recently stumbled upon this great experiment that Buzzfeed creator Kristin Chirico made! She tried a bunch of different pee-ing methods, with three different dress styles! Can’t say I’ve ever had this problem myself, but I’m sure this will help any brides-to-be out & their respective bridesmaids who have the task of assisting. If you check out the full article, there’s photos/diagrams – but I’ve shared the video which is just as… Read more »
19 Delicate Bridesmaid Dresses That Don’t Suck

Planning a wedding is hard enough as it is, but any planning stage that involves external people is made even harder! With the help of Buzzfeed we’ve put together this list of 19 bridesmaid dresses that aren’t horrible!
1. This delicate nude number — $128
Buy it here.
2. This dress that has a little lace, some shimmer, and just a hint of… Read more »
What should you wear to a wedding?

Need some help deciding what to wear to each type of wedding? Check out this awesome style guide below from casual to white tie, and everything else in between!
Wedding Stationery – Where to get it done?

Unless you have family or a friend who’s a graphical designer, nailing your wedding stationery can be difficult and expensive! You might not think that you even need wedding “stationery” but at bare minimum you’ll want to send out wedding invites, and thank-you cards after wards. Minted Wedding’s is a great website for not only great ideas, but they also let you purchase the designs directly through them…. Read more »
7 Wedding Ideas To Blow Mum’s Socks Off (literally)

A Wellington catering company, Blue Carrot Catering recently posted a funky list of quirky ideas for weddings. Head over to if you need help with your wedding menu. Now to the funky ideas…
1. Grab A Truck Or A Caterer
One of the biggest trends right now is people incorporating fun things into weddings. – like food trucks for instance. I recently went to my brothers wedding with a food… Read more »
Three Day Trip to Rarotonga

Last weekend I travelled to Rarotonga for a wedding. Having recently bought a Canon G7X I decided to make like FunForLouis/Casey Neistat/Ben Brown and vlog the trip for a bit of fun – after all I was travelling by myself so who better companion than YOU.