English filmmaker Philip Bloom was recently put to the challenge to produce a short video for DigitalRev TV. They regularly get pro photographers on the show, give them the worst cameras in the world and see what magic they can work. Mixing things up this time by using a filmmaker was hard enough, but giving Philip a Barbie Camera that doesn’t even shoot standard definition was always going to be a… Read more »
CategoriesLip Synching Music Video Created from 4,000 Portraits of 350 People
In a world where it’s becoming harder and harder to wow the pants off anyone with the abundance of creative people out there – I thought this nifty music video was awesome! 350 People were shot over seven days, and those 4,000 images were assembled into this amazing stop motion video over ten!
No Credentials – Photographers sneak into music festival with fake AAA passes.
No Credentials is a film about the phenomenal intersection of photography and electronic music. They’ve spent the last few years documenting electronic dance culture and felt it was time to pull the curtain back on the entire scene in an unprecedented way. As I nightlife photographer myself, it’s amazing to watch this!