I’ve travelled a lot, this was my 9th trip to the U.K. – but this trip was extra special for a few huge reasons: Scarlett’s (my 1yr old daughter) first time on a BIG plane My Grandma’s 80th birthday Scarlett meeting her great-grandparents on my side My Grandma meeting one of her great-grandchildren for the first time (her other two, my sisters children, also live in NZ) First big adventure together with just me and… Read more »
CategoriesMy YouTube Channel Hits 1.3 MILLION views!

I have been posting heaps more content to my YouTube channel in the past 6 months than I have in the past 6 years! Tonight I noticed my total view count has just clicked over 1,300,000 views! To celebrate I FINALLY got around to designing an outro for my new videos – Check this video out, it’s the only one with it at the moment.
The main culprits for the… Read more »
Launch of my new mobile apps!

Proud to announce I’ve just released my first mobile app on Apple’s App Store (Android wont be far behind – watch this space!). The app preloads all my blogs & projects on this website, as well as a bunch of other content I post on social networks & YouTube!
New Studio Officially Opened

The opening of something new isn’t official till you’ve had an opening party! So three weeks after we moved into our new studio at 380 Jackson Street, Petone – we decided to bust out the cheese & pineapple and get the bubbles pouring. Thanks to the friends, clients and family that popped in to share a drink or four. Here’s a few photos of the new studio, and a few from the opening night -… Read more »
New Website Launched!

After opening my new photography studio last week, it seemed the next thing to do was relaunch my website. It was a tricky decision to make as I regularly get comments from clients about how great my old website was. But there were two main things that forced me to switch it up. The first was that my old website wasn’t the nicest on mobile devices. I know I could have developed a mobile only… Read more »