Verizon TV Commercial Filmed in Wellington

In early June the American telecommunications company Verizon filmed their latest TV commercial “Spark” in Wellington. Several central city streets were closed for for the early-June filming, including Willis St, Lambton Quay, Abel Smith St and Ghuznee St. The commercial was directed by Garth Davis, who also directed two large-scale advertisements, Shadow Puppets and Fish, in Wellington for the company US Cellular. I was involved as one of the extras running through the streets of… Read more »

Brady Dyer’s New Photography Studio in Petone

I’m happy to announce I’m opening a new photo studio at 380 Jackson Street in Petone! After several months trying to find a suitable site, we finally found one that was perfect! We’ve got a few big days ahead of us as we transform it into a fully fledged photography studio, and home for Web Boutique and IVY & Co. – but it will all be worth it. Pop in an see us if you’re… Read more »

[REVIEW] Peter Hurley: The Art Behind The Headshot

This article was published in the May 2013 issue of NZ Photographer Magazine. Peter Hurley is a world renowned headshot photographer, based in New York America. He was approached by FStoppers (a must bookmark for any photographer!) to create a video covering the A-Z of headshot photography. I’m often asked how I know what I know, where I learnt, where I studied and so on. The truth is everything I know, I have taught myself…. Read more »

How does the iPhone 5 camera compare to previous iPhone cameras?

As a mac fanboy, and always first to reach for my iPhone 5 I thought the comparison between the range of iPhones would be very interesting! From the photos below it’s amazing to see how much the quality has jumped up, especially from the 3G to the 3GS! Photo comparisons from all iPhone version cameras taken with Camera+ (First generation iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, the iPhone 4S, and the new iPhone 5) in three situations… Read more »

The journey is over for me, but the trip is just beginning.

Last night at 11am, an hour before the finalists were announced I received an email that made my heart drop. It was from Neil the Co-Founder of My Destination, the power house behind the Biggest Baddest Bucket List competition. It was informing me that I hadn’t made it through to the final round in London. The most disheartening part was that I was so sure I had gotten in, I had set the video camera up… Read more »

24 Hours in Belfast

Sounds like a movie title doesn’t it? I can tell you my 24 hours in Belfast went pretty quick, so sure felt like I was on the set of a hollywood blockbuster! I’m gonna have to let you know up front, my 24 hours in Belfast actually happened on the 14th October 2009! As a professional photographer I have literally hundreds of thousands of photos on my hard drive, and during a recent browse discovered… Read more »

3 Days To Go!

Well unless you’ve been living under a rock, you will know that I entered the global tourism competition that My Destination is running. Voting closed over a week ago, and now I’m playing the fun game of “try-not-to-think-about-it-else-you’ll-get-no-work-done”. I’ve been winning at this game till now, three days out from the finalists being announced. Now my stomach is fluttering with butterflies in anticipation at the impeding announcement!… Read more »