Tips to Do & Dont Do for Clothing in Headshot Photos

When it comes time to decide what to wear for your headshot photo one of the biggest questions I get asked is “what should I wear?”. The question should really be what shouldn’t you wear.

DO These Things

  • Wear something you feel comfortable in
  • Guys wear a shirt and tie with a dark suit.
  • Solid color shirt or blouses without stripes
  • For men, a bold colourful tie or a distinct pattern can look good
  • For women, a solid colourful blouse is nice

DON’T DO These Things

  • Wear glasses unless you wear them 24/7 – if you use contacts, bring them along
  • Wear a lot of jewellery that can distract from your face or get outdated in the future
  • Wear a shirt or blouse with thin stripes

Take a few minutes to think about the tone you want to project in your business headshots. Depending on the culture of your company, you may want to come across as hip, friendly or creative. Or if you work in professional services, you may prefer to project an air of formality, knowledge and trustworthiness. The location of the photo shoot (in a studio or on location) will also have a bearing on your best camera-ready outfit. There is of course the opportunity to do more than one “look” too. For men sometimes doing one with a jacket & tie for a more formal look, and then just a shirt without a tie or jacket for the times you need a more casual look. You might want to use the professional image on your linkedin profile, but a more casual one on your company website.

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 Header Image Credit: Big Mark Photography