How do you pee in a wedding dress?

I recently stumbled upon this great experiment that Buzzfeed creator  made! She tried a bunch of different pee-ing methods, with three different dress styles!

Can’t say I’ve ever had this problem myself, but I’m sure this will help any brides-to-be out & their respective bridesmaids who have the task of assisting. If you check out the full article, there’s photos/diagrams – but I’ve shared the video which is just as great!


Hi, I’m Kristin, and I’m getting married. Unfortunately, I also have a tiny bladder, and I am VERY WORRIED about how I will be able to pee while I am engulfed in a wedding dress.

So, I decided to test out four different ways to use the bathroom while wearing a wedding dress without, erm… dunking anything expensive into the toilet.

1. The Bridal Buddy: $67.95 (after shipping)
2. A 38-gallon trash bag (as seen on Offbeat Bride): ~$8.00 for a box of 30.
3. Sitting backward on the toilet, and having my skirt lifted from behind.
4. Sitting normally on the toilet, and having someone lift my skirt from behind, and from the front.