Well, it’s official. I have been successful in applying for the role as chief editor of the popular NZ Photographer e-magazine! I am really looking forward to taking the magazine to a new level and pumping a new breath of life in to the (virtual) pages. If you have any interest in photography (which I am assuming you do as you’re on my blog – haha) then make sure you sign up for the FREE e-magazine. The magazine covers a broad range of photography topics from which point and shoot camera you should buy for under $100, through to tips from wedding photographers on how to capture the most important day of someones life. The issues will grace your screen every 4 weeks, with the next issue due out in early August. If you want to read your way through the back issues while you wait for the next one to be delivered, then check out my previous blog on the magazine a few weeks ago.
The first issue with me at the helm will be Issue 24 which you can expect in early September. I will also be fronting the facebook fan page and twitter account so c’mon over and join the fun their too.
If anyone reading this would like to get in touch about contributing photos or articles to the magazine, please email me at brady@nzphotographer.co.nz.