Super Club ’09, St Orans School Ball, and Lauren’s 21st

Wooosh! What a huge weekend! But before I tell you how the previous week has been, let me tell you about the epic SnowTrain trip to Ohakune! It’s happening on the 4th-6th September. It includes a train ride form Wellington (or Auckland) to Ohakune, two nights accomodation, one-day mountain pass, and a huge party on the train & on Saturday night in Ohakune. Tickets are selling fast and all the info can be found on this facebook event page.

So the Saturday just gone was pretty event-full. Saturday I had a business meeting with Xquizit Promotions about their introduction to the Wellington promo model & event management industry. Then Saturday night had Lauren Sampson’s 21st which I took photos & video for, while this was on my team of photographers was over at the Duxton Hotel shooting the St Orans Ball (check pics here). Then after we’d packed up from the ball, I headed over to cover SuperClub ’09 for a Hannah who had organised the event. Check out my full coverage of photos and video here.